Dear Diary: July is the month for In(ner)Dependence
Dear Diary : July Edition (lockdown day 112) July is a month known for independence….of the American people from the British monarchy in...
Dear Diary: July is the month for In(ner)Dependence
finding stillness….
Getting to the Point
Sound Advice
Day Fourteen, Lizzie’s Yoga Challenge: Transformational Breathing with Rebecca Dennis
Learning to Listen
My Truth
Lizzie’s Yoga Challenge, Day Eight: Is Rolfing training a practice? A yoga practice?
New(ish) Teaching Schedule, September 2012
Workshop Sunday, July 22nd with Jason Kalidas and Lizzie Reumont
Top 5 Tips for Practicing 108 Sun Salutations
Summer Solstice Yoga Practice
The Waiting Place
Slowing Down
Say Om While Dying (or Die to OM)
Present and Embodied
Lizzie’s Class Schedule February 2012
Teaching Yoga and Meditation to Doctors
We are Sensitive Instruments