As I looked over the weekend’s schedule on Thursday evening preparing for the days ahead, I realized the enormity of the training that I have been engaged with over the past year, and acknowledged once again my Yoga Challenge would be in compromised by the upcoming weekend activities.
The Rolfing training is a two and a half year process at minimum, meeting once a month for 4-5 days for intensive days between nine and twelve hours. On top of this there is homework, self study and practice in between these landmark meeting points.
The magical aspect of the training is that the entirely of our days in the classroom are spent on exercises of embodiment (the experience of being in our bodies), lectures and techniques that aid in awareness of embodiment. As with any bodywork training, there is a framework that lays out a path to get to this place, and this is where the ten series of Rolfing comes to play. In each module of phase two, the phase we are currently unpacking, we work step by step through each of the ten sessions.
In many ways, Rolfing is a companion and overlap to the world of yoga. In the yoga practice, often a ‘goal’ is to be present, listen to the breath, develop an awareness of body and mind, and, through the asana practice, develop our physical strength and discipline. The yoga sutras describe the importance of self study and finding a place of ease and stability in our physical seat.
Rolfing encompasses the same goals and brings others into the periphery. Breath potential, palintonicity (the expansion in all directions of the body into maximum potential spatial positions, assisting one’s internal sense to expand and let go), and developing a felt sense are key themes that are carried through the ten sessions and often are key takeaways for those who have been Rolfed who actively seek freedom and ease in their bodies.
Normally I take the opportunity to practice yoga or run before or after these intensive training blocks, but this weekend I am spending some extra time at breaks and lunch to be present, let the events that are unfolding before me move through my system and settle. Let’s see what Day 9 has in store..