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Being human
and life's little mysteries
Elizabeth Reumont
Dec 31, 20203 min read
The iterative process of transitions…
As 2021 approaches, we have yet another moment of looking through a portal – a point between A and B that feels, sometimes, like no man’s...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Nov 1, 20203 min read
Seeing Big and Far
Back to the Future I recently was in Dartmoor, the home to several Bronze Age ruins. Grimspound is the best preserved stone circular...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Jul 5, 20204 min read
Dear Diary: July is the month for In(ner)Dependence
Dear Diary : July Edition (lockdown day 112) July is a month known for independence….of the American people from the British monarchy in...
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Elizabeth Reumont
May 31, 20205 min read
Dear Diary: Into Oblivion there is clarity (when things fall apart)
Isolation Day 84. Dear Diary, Another month has been marked off the calendar; a month where after many weeks of hunkering down and...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Apr 16, 20204 min read
dear diary : sitting with disorientation
self isolation, day 32 Dear Diary, I’m sorry I haven’t written. It’s not that I haven’t wanted to, haven’t had monologues in my mind...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Apr 2, 20203 min read
dear diary : the lens has changed
Self Isolation, Day 19 Dear Diary, As humans, we seem to be in unfamiliar territory. Yes, there have been famines and wars, but those...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Mar 31, 20202 min read
dear diary : life as it is
Self Isolation, Day 16 Dear Diary, I’m sorry that I have not been as regular writing to you as I intended. It’s just that life has been a...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Mar 19, 20203 min read
Dear Diary : So much change, so much freedom
Self Isolation Day 3. Today started exceedingly badly. My son was told he would be taken out of school a day early to mitigate the risk...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Mar 18, 20202 min read
Dear Diary: The first day of the [rest] … of my life?
Self-isolation, Day 2. My last morning at home on my own for the foreseeable future. Tomorrow home schooling begins! I set about first...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Mar 18, 20202 min read
Dear Diary: Diving into Self-Isolation
Today was my first full day at home, leaving the house only to deposit my son to his (unbelievably) still open school. While one foot has...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Mar 16, 20202 min read
Dear Diary : Social distancing Day One
Of all the places one would expect to find oneself after proclaiming to the world the self-isolation is inevitable, here I am waiting in...
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