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Being human
and life's little mysteries

Elizabeth Reumont
Nov 17, 20224 min read
movement of the psyche: i
Since I was three years old, I’ve been poked and prodded by strangers more times than I can count, or even remember. Hundreds of blood...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Oct 11, 20225 min read
The imprint of Stigma
Monday, October 10th was World Mental Health Day. The stigma around mental health, its causes and treatments, and how the stigma itself...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Sep 7, 20224 min read
Fear Mongering
Someone recently contacted me in reponse to my latest newsletter, requesting to be removed from future communications because they...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Nov 24, 202112 min read
On Yoga, Veganism and Wellness, part 3
March, 2020. By the time Covid broke out, I had stopped commuting into London on a weekly basis for work. After four months, it had...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Nov 10, 20216 min read
Laying it out on the table
Gurur Brahmā Gurur Viṣṇur Gurur devo Maheśvaraḥ Guruḥ sākṣāt paraṁ Brahma tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ Our creation is that guru (Brahma-the...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Nov 4, 20214 min read
Life, whether heaven or hell, all goes down in your mind.
Ever notice how affected you are by external conditions? There's a favourite topic of this country, the weather, but there are other...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Jun 7, 20215 min read
On Yoga, Veganism and Wellness, part 1
Many of you know me to be a practitioner of yoga and veganism, which I have subscribed to at two distinct points of my life: as a late...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Dec 31, 20203 min read
The iterative process of transitions…
As 2021 approaches, we have yet another moment of looking through a portal – a point between A and B that feels, sometimes, like no man’s...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Nov 24, 20204 min read
Mrs. Honan
The funny things I remember about Mrs. Honan are how she held the chalkboard eraser (it dangled from her hand and often fell to the...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Nov 24, 20202 min read
Morning view from Kitchen
Morning view from kitchen. As The leaves have fallen off this statuesque beech tree, so too I’ve been going through my own state of...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Nov 1, 20203 min read
Seeing Big and Far
Back to the Future I recently was in Dartmoor, the home to several Bronze Age ruins. Grimspound is the best preserved stone circular...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Aug 19, 20203 min read
Lessons Learned from the Coastal Path: a summer update
Lessons learned from the Coastal Path : a summer update Hiking, or rambling as they call it here in England, has always been a favourite...
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Elizabeth Reumont
May 31, 20205 min read
Dear Diary: Into Oblivion there is clarity (when things fall apart)
Isolation Day 84. Dear Diary, Another month has been marked off the calendar; a month where after many weeks of hunkering down and...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Apr 2, 20203 min read
dear diary : the lens has changed
Self Isolation, Day 19 Dear Diary, As humans, we seem to be in unfamiliar territory. Yes, there have been famines and wars, but those...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Mar 23, 20202 min read
dear diary: The Hive Mind – a call for community
Self-isolation day 07 This is an invitation, a calling out to all your Hive-Minded Yogis and friends who are working on an inspiring...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Mar 23, 20201 min read
Dear Diary: is this like that REM song?
Why yes, aged-Genexers huddled into a little self-protective fetal position, it is. Self-isolation, Day 04, 05, 06, 07. It’s all...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Mar 16, 20202 min read
Dear Diary : Social distancing Day One
Of all the places one would expect to find oneself after proclaiming to the world the self-isolation is inevitable, here I am waiting in...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Mar 15, 20204 min read
Pressing Pause : Creating Joy in Uncertain Times
Hello Friends, We are living through extra-ordinary times. Unprecedented times. Times that maybe even will give rise to social...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Oct 22, 20192 min read
Sometimes we sink, and sometimes we swim…
…but the real winning is in having the courage to get wet. Bhagavan Das once told me ‘Life is messy, you’ve got to roll your sleeves up...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Jun 29, 20193 min read
What I’ve learned from Snoopy
When it’s a Dark and Stormy Night, you’re in a touch of bad weather. As a girl I was a Snoopy fanatic, in fact, one of my great parenting...
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