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Being human
and life's little mysteries

Elizabeth Reumont
Jan 27, 20201 min read
Extended Class Alert : Asana + Insight at Indaba
In the quest for yoga, the union of the temporal self and loving awareness, there is continual negotiation. The mind pulls us towards...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Nov 3, 20135 min read
the blues (reds, oranges and greens)
Being in the hospital going on six weeks can sometimes feel like a marathoner at the twenty-second mile. “The wall”, as it’s called in...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Apr 26, 20133 min read
Learning to Listen
In meditation we learn to ‘tune in’ to the sensations of the breath, body and mind. Through observation of thought activity we can...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Feb 1, 20132 min read
Lizzie’s 30 Day Yoga Challenge, Day 28: Attentive Humility
In an act of self-preservation, I followed my destiny and ended up at Alaric’s home studio for a second week in a row, breaking my own...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Jan 25, 20133 min read
Lizzie’s Yoga Challenge, Day 21: Pranayama and personal space
Today I headed to Archway for my daily dose of yoga. It had been nearly two years since I attended a class at Alaric’s home studio; for...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Jan 9, 20132 min read
Lizzie’s Yoga Challenge, Day Six: Changing the rules of the game?
As today became a skeleton of what it promised to be in my diary due to the ongoing nanny saga, I spent the majority of my time on the...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Jan 4, 20134 min read
Let the Yoga Challenge Begin!
It has only been two days since I was released from the hospital, but I’m already easing myself back into life in London. Yesterday, I...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Aug 13, 20122 min read
If you read one book about yoga this year : The Science of Yoga
For anyone interested in yoga, skeptical about its transformative nature, or unclear on the factual benefits, this book is a must read....
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Elizabeth Reumont
Apr 25, 20123 min read
How do you feel your breath?
Movement is life. Without movement life is unthinkable. Moshe Feldenkrais The breath is sometimes referred to as the life force, as it...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Jan 26, 20121 min read
Teaching Yoga and Meditation to Doctors
On Wednesday afternoon I found myself at St. Mary’s hospital in the presence of 35 GPs teaching them a class on yoga, meditation and...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Jan 24, 20122 min read
Day 24, Lizzie’s 30 Day Yoga Challenge
I went to class today at the Life Centre, where Mark Hill was covering for Kathy Roberts. A class heavy on pranayama, we practiced...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Jan 19, 20122 min read
We are Sensitive Instruments
For most of us, daily life can be a rush from start to finish; getting from point A to B, focusing on completing tasks, and in general...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Nov 21, 20113 min read
The Origins of the Chakra System Part 2: Hatha Yoga and the Nadis
Hatha yoga comes from the words Ha, meaning sun, and Tha, meaning moon, and concerns two important and vital aspects of the physical body...
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Elizabeth Reumont
Sep 4, 20112 min read
Breathing the Body: pranayama and physical release
Pranayama is the fourth limb of the Astanga yoga system described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and means breath or energy restraint...
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