The Divine Qualities of Krishna, Jivamukti Focus of the Month August
Ōm Namo Bhagavatē Vāsudevāya Invocation to Vāsudevaya, the one replete with all Divine virtues, the granter of liberation. Ekadashaksara...
The Divine Qualities of Krishna, Jivamukti Focus of the Month August
The Love Chip
Faith or Fiction
Sex, Death, Sleep, Love, Magic and Pratyahara: Jivamukti Yoga Focus of the Month: July 2014, by Shar
On love and suffering
Jivamukti Yoga Focus of the Month, March 2014: Bhakti Trumps All
Back to Love
More on emotions
In the Arms of an Angel
Jivamukti Focus of the Month: August 2012